
Posts Tagged ‘SharePoint’

Dynamics Portal – ‘No list could be found with the relative URL’ Error – Fix

November 13, 2018 1 comment

Recently I was working on Dynamics Portals and SharePoint integration and while uploading the document from ‘Case’ entity, I was getting below error



  • ‘Document Management’ was not enabled for ‘Case’ entity.


  • Make sure ‘Document Management’ is enabled for ‘Case’ entity
    • Connect to Dynamics 365 Application
    • Open Settings -> Customizations -> Customize the System
    • Select ‘Case’ Entity and make sure ‘Document Management’ is checked.


  • Go to Settings -> Document Management Settings
  • In the ‘Select entities’ grid, make sure ‘Case’ entity is selected.


  • Click ‘Next’ and ‘Select folder structure’


  • Click ‘Next’ to complete the set up


  • Try uploading the document from Portal and should be able to upload the document.


  • Try restarting the Portal if you still getting the exception.


[Step by Step] Dynamics Portals – SharePoint Integration

November 13, 2018 12 comments

In this article I am going to walk you through the step by step process to integrate Dynamics Portal with SharePoint.

Why we need to integrate Portal with SharePoint?

  • To answer the question, lets take a scenario, A company has an Employee Health portal where employees upload their Medical Bills and diagnostic reports to reimburse the money incurred due to hospitalization. On the other side Companies admin team access the documents either from D365 application or SharePoint portal to validate and release the money.
  • If the documents get uploaded to SharePoint through the Portal, with the robust SharePoint document management features, the documents can be edited, versioned and accessed anywhere online just from a browser.

Now lets see the steps to integrate portals with SharePoint.


  • Dynamics 365 subscription (Get 30 days trail)
  • SharePoint Site
  • Dynamics Portal

Configure SharePoint Site:

  • Once you have your Dynamics 365 subscription, login to your Office 365
  • Click on ‘SharePoint’ link to connect to SharePoint Portal


  • Next step is to create a new ‘Site’


  • Click on ‘Create Site’ and fill the details to complete Site creation.
  • Copy the URL which you would need in next steps.
    • I created a new site with name ‘D365’


Configure SharePoint Site in D365 Application:

After creation of SharePoint Site in previous section, now we need to add this details in D365

  • Open your Dynamics Application
  • Go to Settings -> Document Management Settings
  • In the ‘Document Management Settings’ window, paste the SharePoint Site URL copied in previous section in ‘SharePoint Site:‘ text box.


  • In the ‘Select entities’ grid, select the entities you would like to add Documents from your portal.
    • I selected ‘Case’ entity as I am using in this article
  • Click ‘Next’ and ‘Select folder structure’


  • Click ‘Next’ to complete the set up.



  • Click on ‘Set up SharePoint integration’ -> Enable SharePoint integration


  • Provide credentials and complete the set up


Configure ‘Case’ entity portal form and Entity Permissions:

To be able to upload documents from Portal, we need to add a sub-grid on Case form.

  • Connect to Dynamics 365 Application
  • Open Settings -> Customizations -> Customize the System
  • Select ‘Case’ Entity and make sure ‘Document Management’ is checked.


  • Open ‘Case -> Forms -> Web-Edit Case‘ form
    • Note: As I am going to upload documents from existing Case in Portal, I chosen ‘Web-Edit Case’ form. Chose your from as per the requirement.


  • Add a new sub-grid with below details.
    • Entity – Document Locations


  • Save and Publish.

Lets grant ‘Entity Permissions’ to ‘Sharepointdocumentlocation’ entity whoever having access to ‘Case’ entity.

  • Navigate ‘Portals -> Entity Permissions’
  • As I am planning to upload documents from ‘Case’ entity, I am selecting ‘Customer Service – Cases where contact is customer‘ entity permission.


  • Add a new ‘Child Entity Permission’ on ‘Sharepointdocumentlocation’ entity and grant below privileges.


  • Save and Close.

How to upload the documents from Portal:

Once you made all the configurations, we are all set to upload the documents.

  • Connect to your portal
  • Create a new Case or open an existing Case


  • Navigate to the ‘Document Location’ sub-grid and click ‘Add Files’


  • Upload the document
  • You should see the uploaded document in the sub-grid.






(401) Unauthorized Error – CRM integration with SharePoint

December 12, 2017 2 comments

We encountered below exception when we were integrating CRM with SharePoint.

Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

Environment details:

  • CRM 2016 on-premise with Claims authentication enabled.
  • SharePoint Server On-premise with Claims authentication enabled.
  • User Account using to set up is Admin on both the CRM and Sharepoint servers.

Reason & Fix:

Fix suggested in this MSDN Forum worked for us.

It seems there is a known issue/bug with CRM 2016 that doesn’t allow this to work if you try using https in the MetadataEndPoint.

To get this working, you will have to temporarily do the following items before running the SharePoint Power Shell command.

Note : Make sure you note all the existing settings before executing below steps which helps you to roll back, if something goes wrong.


  1. Open the CRM Deployment Manager tool
    • Disable CRM IFD
    • Disable CRM Claims Configuration
  2. Open the IIS and remove the https binding on the CRM Web site and add back the http binding for the CRM Web site.
  3. Run CRM Deployment Manager and change the properties of the deployment for the Web Address to use http instead of https.
  4. Run an IISReset on the CRM Server to ensure this is now accessible via http.
  5. Run the SharePoint PowerShell commands (you should be able to access the MetadataEndpoint using http vs. https now if you put it in the browser (and it should prompt to download a .json file).
  6. Once the SharePoint commands are finished running, you need to reverse the changes above in CRM to re-enable IFD.
  7. Change the CRM Web Address to use https in the CRM Deployment Properties.
  8. Remove the http binding on the CRM Web site and add back the https binding, selecting the correct SSL Certificate.
  9. Run the Configure CRM Claims in the CRM Deployment Manager.  (keep the existing settings)
  10. Run the Configure IFD in the CRM Deployment Manager (keep existing settings).
  11. Run an IISReset on the CRM Server.

Refer MSDN article  which details integrating SharePoint on-premise with CRM on-premise.
