Home > Canvas Apps, CRM > Canvas App | Power Fx | Parse and bind JSON collection to Gallery

Canvas App | Power Fx | Parse and bind JSON collection to Gallery

In this article, I will demonstrate how to utilize the ParseJson function to parse JSON data and bind it to Gallery control.


  • Create a JSON string that contains a collection of ‘Student’ objects, each with properties such as Name, Mobile, Email, and City.
  • Read and Parse the JSON string into a collection.
  • Bind the collection to Gallery control.

Let’s get started with JSON preparation and parsing, and then binding it to a Gallery.

Prepare a Sample JSON string:

  • I’ve asked ChatGpt to prepare a JSON string of Students and it instantly generated sample JSON.
  • Alternately, you can also use ObjGen website to generate a sample JSON.

Use the ParseJson function to parse the Json string:

Now that we have the JSON string ready, let’s use ParseJson function to parse it into a collection.

  • Create a new Canvas App, add a Text control, and paste the JSON string prepared in the above section.
    • I’ve named the Text control as ‘txtJsonInput‘.
  • Let’s begin with a simple parse that provides the count of student records in the JSON string.
  • Add a Button control and on OnSelect event, write the following formula.
UpdateContext({TotalStudents: CountRows(Table((ParseJSON(txtJsonInput.Text))))});
  • To understand the formula above, note that the ParseJSON function parses a valid JSON string and returns an untyped object that represents the JSON structure.
  • Since our JSON structure is a array of records, I am type casting it to the Table(i.e., Table((ParseJSON(txtJsonInput.Text)))
  • Next, I am using CountRows function to retrieve the record count of the table.
  • Use the UpdateContext function to set the count of rows value to the TotalStudents variable.
  • Add a Label control to display the TotalStudents.
    • My JSON string contains 6 students, so the TotalStudents variable is set to 6.

Bind the students to Gallery:
  • Now that we’ve parsed and mapped the JSON collection to a table, let’s extend the formula to convert the table rows into a Collection and map them to a Gallery.
  • Write the following formula to load the JSON collection to a PowerFx collection.
    Table(ParseJSON(txtJsonInput.Text)) As tblStudents,
            studName: Text(tblStudents.Value.Name),
            studMobile: Text(tblStudents.Value.Mobile),
            studEmail: Text(tblStudents.Value.Email),
            studCity: Text(tblStudents.Value.City)
  • In the above formula, we are first parsing the JSON string in to Table (i.e., Table(ParseJSON(txtJsonInput.Text)) As tblStudents).
  • Then using ForAll function to loop through each row in the Table and adding to colStudents.
  • We are also using Clear(colStudents); to clear the collection before loading fresh.
  • That’s all that’s needed. Now add a Gallery control and set the ‘Data source’ as the colStudents collection.


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